Where smart money is right at home

Go Lend matches smart investors who value regular returns with borrowers needing short term mortgage finance.

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Go Lend, a licensed peer-to-peer marketplace for property secured loans



  • You choose the loans that you want to invest in, and the level of your investment.
  • Minimum investments of $1,000 per loan
  • All loans are secured by a registered first mortgage over property.


Do you have a non-consumer, short term property lending requirement? Our platform credit criteria applies, then have your opportunity listed for investors to meet your funding need.

Investment in three easy steps



Register and verify your identity

Complete the online registration and pass the automated identification process in just a few minutes.



Add funds to your account

Earn interest on any funds held in your on-call account, currently 3.50% p.a. You can add or withdraw your funds within one business day.



Select and track the growth of investments

Log into your profile, select loans that you would like to fund, and choose the amount you would like to invest. A minimum investment of $1,000 per loan applies.You can also review your existing loan portfolio and your returns.

Interest rates are current as of the date of this message and are subject to change at any time without notice.

Go Lend by the numbers


Total amount lent


Average annual investment return


Current default rate

(Past and current performance is not indicative of future results)

Why invest with Go Lend?

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Go Lend commits its own funds to settle every approved loan. All loans, security, and loan payments are held with our nominated trustee company, GLG Trustees Limited, which is audited annually. Beneficial ownership of each individual loan is also recorded independently from each other.

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You choose your investments. You have full visibility of the loan opportunities that are available to invest in.By selecting the loans you wish to fund yourself, you know exactly where your money has been invested.

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Go Lend supports New Zealanders to leverage the real estate experience and knowledge they may already have to help build themselves a property secured lending portfolio.

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All investments are secured by a first ranking mortgage over specific real estate assets.

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The friendly and intuitive online platform makes the investment process simple, and makes it easy to review your ongoing loan investment portfolio.

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Go Lend is a dynamic online platform where retail investors can buy,sell, build and review their own live mortgage secured loan portfolio.

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